Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sun and Basketball

Friday ---  
   I have a hypothesis that the monsoon season is over today.  We woke up and the sky had a completely different quality to it -- high thin clouds covering the morning sun, clouds higher than the mountains (except for the highest snow covered mountains -- we are still waiting to see them in their full glory). There was also little mist as we drove to school with our new driver, whose name I do not know.
     Today Pintso is out of town and the Heads of Upper and Lower School are both out.  So it is up to me and Ms. Dingtsa to hold down the fort.

Saturday --
     Grace and I went to school so that she could play on the basketball team for the first time. They played Kyedikang Academy and won easily 27-2. They only had 6 girls on their team, against a visiting team with at least 15 girls, but they played really well together.

Grace and Pema heading down the court
Kitso, Sagun and Pema

Action shot!
Mr. Numgyal -- their coach

The boys played after the girls.  The boy in the middle
is actually on the Bhutanese national team.
He showed off a lot!
Grace had a great time playing but got a pretty bad sunburn -- oh yeah, did I mention that the sun is out?  It is a very strong sun that warms things up quickly, and it did rain for a bit this afternoon, but I think we are coming out of the monsoons.  I hope I will be able to salvage my sandals, which are currently covered in a thin layer of mold.  There are at least 4 different types living there, I'll spare you a photo of that!


  1. Congrsts to Corrina for her medal and Grace for her basketball win!Hope the sun continues to shine!
    Looking forward to your next blog!

  2. Brings back some great memories of Waring basketball. I still dream about it sometimes! That feeling when you are calmly heading down towards your players, looking for the open play, your fellow guard by your side, the slow pounding of the ball at your feet...

    Chris, we should play a little when you come home! We could play in Central park!
    Love to you and the girls. OX

  3. Perhaps the end of monsoon season will coincide with the end of the housing/financial crisis and all of us will be able to look up at the majestic mountains again with hope and determination...

    Or at least score another basket!
