Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I chat with Chris and the girls about once a day.  Sometimes we go for a day or two without chatting, sometimes we talk a couple times a day.  Between Google Talk/Hangout for video chatting and Google Voice for cheap international calls (0.02/minute), we have a pretty reliable set of options for communicating.  Video chats are preferred -- it is great to see them -- but calling works even when their internet is out.

This morning at 8:25 AM ET (5:55 PM IST) I was on a video chat with Chris.  I had just spoken with Grace, and Chris was walking with her computer over to where Corrina was.  There was a noise in the background, and at first I thought it someone had dropped something or tripped.  It turns out there was an earthquake.

While holding her computer, Chris and the girls gathered in a doorway.  Corrina was quite frightened by what was happening.  Chris seemed extremely calm and collected, gathering the girls to her side.  She observed that she could hear all the neighbors talking outside.  At that point Chris said she should focus on the situation at hand and we bid each other adieu.

When's the last time you cut a phone call short because of an earthquake?

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