Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grace's New Digs

      The day after Corrina's birthday, just over a week ago, Grace moved into the hostel at Taktse.  It has been an adjustment for us all, but one that has not been too hard to manage.  She doesn't seem to mind the infrequent showers, the lack of any hot water, the hostel diet of mainly rice and dahl, and the "4 pieces of clothing" limit on the laundry service.
     We were lucky that at the end of her first week she got to come home for the weekend, but now we won't have her at home again for another 5 weeks.  The students in the hostel are allowed to go home every 2nd Saturday of the month. 
     On the one hand it is hard to believe that our Grace, lover of creature comforts, would choose to immerse herself in such a primitive living environment.  On the other hand, she was bored and lonely at Chanbari House, especially on the weekends when it was hard to see her friends. I miss her a lot and even Corrina agrees that it is too quiet at Chanbari House without her.  
     Below are photos of the girls' dorm, with the new pink curtains recently installed.

The view from the doorway into the hostel
Where all of the shoes and laundry bags are kept,
just outside the hostel room

The "village" where Grace sleeps.  Her bed in on the other side,
crammed into the corner.
Grace's bed area

The main area of the hostel room


  1. So when do you get to see Grace? Will we get to see Grace??

    Counting down the days!

  2. Actually, those digs look pretty nice! Her choice illustrates so well how important peers can be to teens. You should see where Sisi is currently residing...some of those old NYC apartment buildings are pretty sketchy, despite the 50 layers of cheap paint!

    Also, loved the photos of Corrina on her birthday. So many gifts from this adventure, evident today and I'm sure for years to come. Bravo Chris for having the courage to step outside the norm and bring your daughters with you. Sending lots of love your way.
